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Student Spotlight:

Patricia Stan

Salsa Student

"Joining Movers and Shakers has been one of my favorite things that I've done for myself since moving to LA!” Patricia Stan reflects on how her salsa journey has brought joy and connection to her life. Her first class left her happily surprised by the welcoming atmosphere, and the weekly lessons have quickly become a highlight of her routine.

Patricia credits her growth as a dancer to attending open socials on Friday nights, where she hones her skills, practices new moves, and bonds with fellow students in a fun, supportive environment. She especially values the MaS community’s kindness and inclusivity, which ensures dancers of all levels feel respected and encouraged.

Switching partners is her favorite part of social dancing, as it allows her to experience different styles and expand her network of friends. Patricia’s enthusiasm and positivity shine through in every step she takes on the dance floor.

Nina shares his dance journey through the following interview questions.

Patricia Stan

1. What was your first experience in dancing salsa like?

I was happily surprised by how welcoming everyone was and how much happiness the salsa classes have brought me each week!

2. What strategies do you use to remember the steps and techniques taught in class?

I think what's helped me most of all is going to the open socials at the studio on Friday nights. It's such a fun way to practice all the new steps and techniques you learned in class that week and a great time to meet other movers & shakers!

3. Have you ever had a memorable dance with a stranger at a salsa event? What made it special?

I've had nothing but good experiences dancing with other dancers from MAS. Everyone is very kind, respectful, and does such a good job teaching while appreciating the salsa level that you're at. What makes it special is how this community supports each other regardless of skill level or experience.

4. Do you prefer dancing with the same partner all night or switching partners frequently? Why?

I really enjoy switching partners often because I love experiencing other people's dancing styles - it's also a great way to meet more people!

5. What would you say to someone who is unsure about joining Movers and Shakers for salsa lessons?

I would tell them it's been one of my favorite things that I've done for myself since moving to LA!

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