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Lesson 13: Old vs New
"Salsa Bachata Class Accelerator" Lesson 13: Old vs New
The video below is part of a paid program on one of our sister sites. We're giving the program away for free here at Movers and Shakers.
This "Local Class Learning Accelerator" series is about learning how to learn.
The series will teach you to squeeze the absolute most benefit from your salsa and bachata classes.
The series is meant to be completed in order, so start from Lesson 1.
Audio Transcript: Below is the audio transcript of this lesson. Headers have been added.
Rediscovering Old Dance Material
So let's talk about the old versus the new, and I'm talking about this in the context of material that you've learned through your classes. Now if we're going to be totally. Honest for any of us who have danced for any significant amount of time and taking any significant number of classes. We have lots of things in our phones, lots of videos of stuff.
We've learned that we either never really incorporated into our dancing or we've forgotten. Lots of videos taking up space on our phones doing nothing. That's a really interesting thing I'm super guilty of that.
Probably every single person watching this video who danced, as I said, for any significant amount of time while taking classes is also guilty of it. Okay, that's human nature. Fine, it's exciting to go to new classes. We always want to feel like we're moving forward even if we may not really be moving forward and we always want like the next thing, the next cool thing, the next big thing.
Why Learning What You Already Know Can Be a Highly Effective Strategy
If we're going to be brutally honest with ourselves, the reality is, is that strategically it would make more sense to go back and review the old things on our phones, then learn new stuff. OK, well, why is this? Well, it doesn't take more time and more money to go to other classes instead. You can just get the stuff you've already learned and bring that into your repertoire.