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Bachata Classes in Los Angeles
Living in the Los Angeles area and want to learn to dance bachata, or level up your bachata skills?
You’re in the right spot! Movers and Shakers specializes specifically in bachata dance training.
You’ll learn everything you need, from A to Z, in a welcoming, friendly, FUN environment, to hit the bachata dance floor with confidence.
🕺Beginner Bachata Program (Bachata 101) 💃
You will begin your bachata journey in the Movers and Shakers beginner bachata 101 program.
The bachata classes in this 10-week program are structured, progressive, and comprehensive. You’ll get everything you need into your muscle memory, correctly, right from the start. Good habits from day one will prime you to hit the bachata dance floor with confidence.
Movers and Shakers will also take you out social dancing before the end of the program to help you dip your toes into Los Angeles’ amazing bachata dance scene.
Program: Bachata 101
Prerequisites: None. For first time bachata dancers!
Length: 10 Weeks (~20 hours)
Regular: $597
Early Bird: $397 (~19.85/hr) 🔥
$200 OFF! Price increases soon!
I’ll miss some dates. What should I do?
Sundays, 07:00-08:45pm
1/12 - 3/16/2025
Location: The Balcony on Beverwil
Instructor: Danny week 1, Ariela weeks 2-10
Mondays, 08:00-09:45pm
1/20 - 3/24/2025
Location: West LA Academy of Dance Studio 1
Instructor: Inna
🕺Intermediate Bachata Program (Bachata 102) 💃
After 101, you’ll graduate to the intermediate bachata 102 program.
If you’re coming in with outside experience, the intermediate bachata 102 program may also be the right level for you.
The intermediate bachata 102 program is a direct progression of the beginner bachata 101 program. Bachata 102 focuses on foundational concepts but in the context of more intermediate level patterns and movements.
You’ll learn essential movements for sensual bachata, intermediate level traveling patterns, and creative footwork. You’ll receive an introduction to dancing with musicality as well.
The intermediate bachata 102 program is the bridge between 101 and 103.
Program: Bachata 102b
Prerequisites: Bachata 101 or if outside experience, speak with director.
Length: 10 Weeks (~20 hours)
Regular: $497
Early Bird: $397 (~19.85/hr) 🔥
$100 OFF! Price increases soon!
Wednesdays, 08:00-09:45pm
2/5 - 4/9/2025
Location: The Balcony on Beverwil
Instructor: Danny week 1, Ariela weeks 2-10
🕺Advanced Bachata Program (Bachata 103) 💃
Designed for high-intermediate to advanced bachateros, the bachata 103 program is where you’ll lock in advanced sensual bachata movements and patterns, advanced traveling patterns, and musicality.
Musicality means adjusting your dancing for the music. When you watch high level dancers on tv, YouTube, Instagram, or in person, and have those moments when you FEEL something, nearly 100% of the time it’s because of the dancers’ musicality – how they adjusted their dancing, movements, feeling, connection etc. specifically for the music at that moment.
Freestyle social dancing, with a partner, with musicality, we consider to be the highest level of social dancing (and most challenging). Dancing with musicality is when you will enter a new, heightened state of bliss with your dancing like you had never experienced before. In the advanced bachata 103 program we help you move in this direction.
Program: Bachata 103
Prerequisites: Bachata 101, 102a, 102b or if outside experience, director approval.
Length: 10 Weeks (~20 hours)
Regular: $497
Early Bird: $397 (~19.85/hr) 🔥
$100 OFF! Price increases soon!
Wednesdays, 08:00-09:45pm
1/29 - 4/2/2025
Location: West LA Academy of Dance Studio 3
Instructor: Inna and Christopher together

Why 10-Week Bachata Programs?
Over the years it became clear to us that trying to learn to dance bachata with drop-in classes simply is not realistic.
Bachata is a language. When a spoken language, such as English, is taught in school, it’s taught with a structured curriculum. We start with the ABCs, then learn simple words, then learn to put those words together into simple sentences. Then we learn to create more complex sentences and paragraphs over time. Eventually, at the high school and college level, we start to learn more sophisticated words and learn how to piece everything together more elegantly, allowing us to communicate at a higher, more effective level.
There's good reason that English is taught in a structured, progressive way.
Learning to dance bachata is the same. Bachata must be learned with structure from the very beginning to develop proper foundations. Solid fundamentals are the key to eventually dancing smoothly at a higher level. This is why Movers and Shakers has created the 10-week comprehensive, structured, progressive bachata program.
Why Not Multiyear Bachata Programs?
In our example of learning English, the journey from elementary school level English to college level English is many years.
So why not create a multi-year bachata program?
We actually DO have a multiyear bachata program. As adults though, life is busy. For this reason, the program is broken down into 10-week segments to give you the flexibility to do as much or as little as you can, and to leave and come back as needed.
Even graduating just the Movers and Shakers 10-week beginner bachata program though is enough to get proper foundations and hit the dance floor.
What Happens If I Skip the Beginner Bachata 101 Program and Just Start Going Out Dancing?
We understand that some people are eager and excited to hit the bachata dance floor right away. This is called “social dancing.”
We encourage social dancing, but there’s a common, risky pattern that should be avoided.
The pattern looks like this:
Goes to bachata clubs and takes drop-in classes
Knows their dancing is messy, but is having fun and keeps going out
Starts to feel more confident on the dance floor and that their dancing is less messy (even though it’s still very messy).
Doesn’t want to go back and learn proper foundations
Dances messy for years, or forever
This pattern is common.
Don’t let this be you!
If you take the time to learn rock solid foundations, your social dancing time will be MUCH more fun, every time, forever. The reward is great!
Here’s why…
High Level Dancers’ Hidden Box of Tricks
When dancing bachata out at a club or a social, the more experienced dancer must adjust their level for the less experienced dancer.
If you’re a follower (typically ladies are followers in bachata), this means that experienced dancers are only giving you perhaps 10% of the patterns they’re capable of. Many people on the dance floor don’t realize this.
If you’re a leader (typically guys are leaders in bachata), the feeling of trying to lead a lady who looks bored is… painful to say the least.
With dancing bachata, when the foundations are great, everything is great, and when the foundations are a mess, everything is a mess.
Get rock solid bachata foundations and it will change your entire bachata journey, forever!
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